Ken Papaleo: X Marks the Shot: Lakewood Heritage Center, Lakewood, Colorado.

Lakewood Heritage Center, Lakewood, Colorado.

"X Shot" information.
Camera - Canon EOS 5D Mark II
ISO - 400
Shutter - 6 seconds
F/stop - 16
Lens - 24/70 zoom
NOTE - tripod and cable release used for this photo.

1. The Heritage Center is located at 801 South Yarrow Street, Lakewood, Colorado.
2. The center has it's Holiday Light Display on through December 31st.
3. There is no charge for viewing.
4. Lights are on from dusk to 11 pm each night.

I was hired by the City of Lakewood to photograph their Holiday Light Display, at the Heritage Center.
When shooting for a client, I try to come up with at plan of attack that would impact the photographic  situation. 

My plan was to wait for snow, giving the area a nice Christmas look, I had a month to do the shoot, so I waited. With time running out, I went and shot the area as it was and then of course Lakewood got a little snow, so I went back again and shot it again, on my on time. I always do whats needed to get the job done as best as possible. I used two methods for this shoot. The first is to shoot at dusk, when the sun is down and the lights are on, but there is still some day light. This can be done usually without using a tripod. The second is to shoot when it is completely dark, using a tripod and an large f/stop, this gives the lights a glowing effect.


Ken Papaleo
Colorado Photographer

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Evergreen, Colorado, United States
I worked for the Rocky Mountain News for 28 years, until they went out of business. I now do freelance work, post this weekly blog, ski and play with my four grand children. I still have the love to get out and take photographs, which brings me great peace and comfort.

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