Ken Papaleo: X Marks the Shot: A few snow shots from Evergreen, Colorado.

A few snow shots from Evergreen, Colorado.

"X Shot" camera information.
Camera - Canon EOS 5D Mark II
ISO - 500
Shutter - 1/125 sec.
F/stop - 22
Lens - 70/200 zoom

Evergreen Colorado, just by having a camera with me when I go out, gives me the opportunity to
take pictures when I see them. How many times have you thought, I wish I had my camera! 

The snow on the fence is back-lit from the early morning light while the background is black.
If you took an overall light reading of this image, the snow would be blown-out because the reading
would compensate for all the black in the picture.

Either walk up to the fence or use a telephoto lens and take the reading right off the fence, up close.
Go back to your original shooting location and lens, using the same readings. Doing this will give
you the results you were looking for.

All photos are for sale, contact email address.

Ken Papaleo
Colorado Landscape Photographer.


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About Me

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Evergreen, Colorado, United States
I worked for the Rocky Mountain News for 28 years, until they went out of business. I now do freelance work, post this weekly blog, ski and play with my four grand children. I still have the love to get out and take photographs, which brings me great peace and comfort.

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