Ken Papaleo: X Marks the Shot: Photographing Young Children and Babies.

Photographing Young Children and Babies.

"X Shot" information.
Camera - Canon EOS 5D Mark II
ISO - 200
Shutter - 1/125 sec.
F/stop - 8
Lens - 24/70 zoom

We were on our way to visit our son, Jordan and his family, including our new granddaughter. How do you give yourself the best opportunity to get nice photos.

There are a number of things you can do to help with this situation.
1. Pick a good location, someplace that would be fun for the children.
2. Try to get the group family shot out of the way first, while the young ones are kind of cooperating. 
3. When the children start to get agitated, don't force the issue. Stop and let them play in the area you
4. While they are having fun, pic off good shots as the happen. These usually are genuine photos.
5. Always keep you eye out for nice images. Even in the car, opportunities are there, you just have to 
    be ready to save that moment.

Ken Papaleo
Colorado Photographer


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Evergreen, Colorado, United States
I worked for the Rocky Mountain News for 28 years, until they went out of business. I now do freelance work, post this weekly blog, ski and play with my four grand children. I still have the love to get out and take photographs, which brings me great peace and comfort.

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