Ken Papaleo: X Marks the Shot: Water Baptism and Baby Dedication, Westminster, Colorado.

Water Baptism and Baby Dedication, Westminster, Colorado.

"X Shot" information.
Camera - Canon EOS 5D Mark II
ISO - 1000
Shutter - 1/250 sec.
F/stop - 8
Lens - 24/70 zoom.

  I changed the format for this weeks blog to take photos of my pregnant daughter's Water Baptism and the Dedication of their not yet born baby boy, Logan. I asked fellow photographer and best friend, Dennis Schroeder, to help me with this task. When Dennis and I shoot together, we decide one will shoot with long glass and the other wide angle. This is a great way to get different images of the same event, I was short and Schroeder went long.  We got to the lake a little late but the sunset was spectacular and really enhanced the mood. The problem was not much light was left to shoot and the church was making a video, so we didn't use any strobes, to mess it up. So we shot silhouettes, used the reflection and toward the end I was shooting with an ISO of 3200, 1/80 second at f/stop 2.8. It was a very spiritual time for all who intended! 


Photo by Dennis Schroeder

Photo by Dennis Schroeder

Photo by Dennis Schroeder

Photo by Dennis Schroeder

Photo by Dennis Schroeder

Photo by Dennis Schroeder

Photo by Dennis Schroeder

Photo by Dennis Schroeder

Photo by Dennis Schroeder

Photo by Dennis Schroeder

Ken Papaleo
Colorado Photographer

With out going into all the details of this event, I want my daughter, Jamie and her husband, Andy, to know I love them very much and think they are the bravest people I know! Their journey has affected
hundreds of friends and relatives, Love Dad.

About Me

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Evergreen, Colorado, United States
I worked for the Rocky Mountain News for 28 years, until they went out of business. I now do freelance work, post this weekly blog, ski and play with my four grand children. I still have the love to get out and take photographs, which brings me great peace and comfort.

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